Terminator 1

I heard supply-chain security is all the rage now, after a weird XY problem. Not sure what they were up about, but I was probably not asking the correct questions… Undeterred, I went shopping in some poor PhD student’s lab and found this lovely contraption, ending this problem once and for all: As soon as evil code will be executed, your VM will be killed mercilessly. I even built a really cute application for cooking up your cyber recipes to try it out!...

June 9, 2024 · 19 min · lukasrad02, 3mb0, nh1729

Back to the roots

Somewhere under a big pile of paper I found some notes about this really cool encryption algorithm. I updated it to the digital age in the hope that it is much safer now. Category: Crypto Solver: Greenscreen23 Flag: GPNCTF{itturnsoutthatbitsdonotmakecolumnartransposedifficultenoughatleastifyouencodeitwithasciigjnogoandbreakdoppelwuerfeltheflagendshereenjoyreadingsomemoretextihopeyoulikedthechallenge} Writeup Context We are given a rust file that encrypts the bits of the flag using a transposition cipher with a random key. The flag bits are split into blocks of an unknown key length, which are arranged as rows in a table, without any padding in the last row....

June 6, 2024 · 7 min · Greenscreen23

Never gonna tell a lie and type you

todo Category: Web Solver: lukasrad02 Flag: GPNCTF{1_4M_50_C0NFU53D_R1GHT_N0W} Scenario The challenge consists of a web application powered by a single PHP script that receives data from the HTTP POST parameter data and then does a couple of things: The string from the data parameter is parsed as JSON and stored as $user_input. The user agent of the request is compared against the string "friendlyHuman" and requests with any other user agent are aborted....

June 3, 2024 · 3 min · lukasrad02

A fuller solve's what I'm thinking of

I wanted to build an intro rev challenge but it didn’t work as intended when I deployed it to my Rocky 9 server. Maybe you can work around the issue and leak the flag in /flag Category: misc Solver: rgw, aes Flag: GPNCTF{D1d_y0u_st4rt_4_vm_0r_4_b4r3_m3t4l_r0cky_k3rn3l?} Writeup The setup is similar to the previous challenge (“A full solve is what I’m thinking of”). However, there is no /catflag binary. Therefore, we don’t have a binary that we can use as the interpreter for an uploaded ELF binary....

June 3, 2024 · 3 min · rgw, aes


It would be a shame if you could exploit this sleepy binary. Category: pwn, misc Solver: rgw, abc013, Liekedaeler, MarDN Flag: GPNCTF{sh0rt_she11c0de_1s_c00l} Writeup We are given a compiled binary dream and its source code dream.c: #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <string.h> #define ROTL(X, N) (((X) << (N)) | ((X) >> (8 * sizeof(X) - (N)))) #define ROTR(X, N) (((X) >> (N)) | ((X) << (8 * sizeof(X) - (N)))) unsigned long STATE; unsigned long CURRENT; char custom_random(){ STATE = ROTL(STATE,30) ^ ROTR(STATE,12) ^ ROTL(STATE,42) ^ ROTL(STATE,4) ^ ROTR(STATE,5); return STATE % 256; } void* experience(long origin){ char* ccol= mmap (0,1024, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); size_t k = 0; while(k<106){ *(ccol+k) = 0x90; //nop just in case; k++; } k=16; *((int*)ccol) = origin; while(k<100){ *(ccol+k)=custom_random(); k++; } return ccol; } void sleepy(void * dream){ int (*d)(void) = (void*)dream; d(); } void win(){ execv("/bin/sh",NULL); } void setup(){ setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } int main(){ setup(); long seed=0; printf("the win is yours at %p\n", win); scanf("%ld",&seed); STATE = seed; printf("what are you thinking about?...

June 3, 2024 · 4 min · rgw, abc013, Liekedaeler, MarDN

XZ safe

Category: rev Solver: rgw, 3mb0, Greenscreen23, SchizophrenicFish2nds Flag: GPNCTF{B4CKD00R3D_4G41N_d2d4ebde} Writeup This challenge is about a modified version of the XZ backdoor. There is a remote server with its SSH port exposed. We get a modified version of xz version 5.6.0. We first check which files are different between the original xz and the modified version: $ diff -r xz-old/xz-5.6.0/ xz-safe/xz-5.6.0/ Binary files xz-old/xz-5.6.0/tests/files/good-large_compressed.lzma and xz-safe/xz-5.6.0/tests/files/good-large_compressed.lzma differ We follow the writeup at [1] to reverse engineer the backdoor....

June 3, 2024 · 4 min · rgw, 3mb0, Greenscreen23, SchizophrenicFish2nds